No money, no desire or no time to train in a CrossFit box? No problem!
You can also do CrossFit in the comfort of your own home. Perhaps not to the same extent as in a proper training hall, but it is definitely a good way to stay fit and train flexibly at the same time.
In this article, we'll tell you what you need to train at home and which 10 CrossFit exercises are particularly suitable for the home gym - without having to buy expensive equipment.
The right equipment for your CrossFit home gym

Before we get to the exercises, let's talk briefly about how you can optimize your training area.
The training environment
Whether you train in the garage, outside in the garden, in an open space or even in your living room:
Make sure you have enough space for individual exercises.
Make sure the floor is stable and non-slip to avoid injuries.
Check that there is no expensive equipment in your training environment - after all, you don't want your kettlebell to accidentally end up in the TV.
5 equipment must-haves
When it comes to equipment for your CrossFit home gym, you don't have to spend a fortune. With these basic items, you can already complete an effective workout:
Dumbbells are versatile and allow you to train your muscles effectively. Start with a set of dumbbells in different weight classes so you can customize your workouts. Get lighter weights for smaller muscle groups (such as arms and shoulders) and heavier weights for larger muscle groups (such as back or legs).
Skipping rope
A skipping rope is an inexpensive but extremely effective piece of cardio equipment that improves your endurance and burns calories. Ideal for interval training or as a warm-up. And best of all, it takes up absolutely no space. Just make sure there are no lights above you when you're jumping around the apartment. And think of your neighbors ;)
Alongside dumbbells, kettlebells are a great tool for functional training and can be used for a variety of exercises such as kettlebell swings, goblet squats and Turkish get-ups. Again, we recommend different weights so you can vary.
Medicine ball
With a medicine ball, you can perform numerous exercises that improve your strength, coordination and explosiveness. Perfect for wall balls, sit-ups, cleans, Russian twists and more.
Pull-up bar
A pull-up bar allows you to perform exercises such as pull-ups and hanging exercises to strengthen your back and arm muscles. Make sure the bar is securely attached to the wall or door.
The 10 best CrossFit exercises to do at home

Now that your training area is set up, we can move on to the exercises. These 10 exercises will train your entire body and help you become stronger, fitter and healthier.
Bodyweight squats (squats without weight)
Start with your feet at shoulder width and slowly lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure that your knees do not extend beyond your toes and then push yourself up explosively.
Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and lower your body until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Then push yourself up explosively to return to the starting position.
Jump into the push-up position until your chest touches the floor, jump back to the starting position and then push up explosively. Repeat these movements as quickly as possible for an intense full-body exercise.
Mountain Climbers
Start in a high plank position and alternate bringing your knees to your chest while keeping your abs tight. This exercise improves your endurance and stability.
Lean on your forearms and keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold this position for as long as possible to improve your core stability.
Jumping Jacks
Jump with your legs apart and raise your arms above your head at the same time. Jump back to the starting position and repeat the movement for an effective cardio exercise. Also great as a warm-up.
Russian Twists
Sit on the floor, lean back slightly and hold a dumbbell or medicine ball in your hands. Turn your upper body from side to side to train your lateral abdominal muscles.
Jumping Squats
Perform a squat and then jump explosively into the air. Land softly and repeat the movement for an effective leg and glute workout. You can do this exercise with or without weight.
Pull-ups or Chin-ups
Hang from a pull-up bar and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Then lower yourself in a controlled manner and repeat the movement. If necessary, you can also use resistance bands to adjust the exercise.
Reverse Lunges (Lunges backwards)
Take a big step back and lower your back knee towards the floor. Then push yourself up with your front leg and repeat the movement on the other side to train your leg muscles. Works with or without weight.
All about your training: preparation and regeneration

Of course, it's not just the actual training that is important, but also the preparation beforehand and the regeneration afterwards.
Here are some important points to consider before and after training at home.
Before training:
Warm-up: A thorough warm-up is crucial to prepare your muscles for the workout ahead and avoid injury. Perform dynamic movements such as arm circles, leg swings and squats to mobilize your joints and increase circulation.
Hydration: Drink enough water before you start exercising to hydrate your body and support your performance. Also drink enough during exercise to avoid dehydration.
Proper nutrition: Eat a balanced meal about 1-2 hours before training to give your body the energy it needs. Carbohydrates and proteins are especially important to support your muscles.
Mental preparation: Make sure you are mentally ready to complete your workout. Visualize your exercises and goals to help you focus on the upcoming workout.
After training:
Cool-down: After your workout, it is important to lower your heart rate and relax your muscles. Perform light cardio exercises for a few minutes or do stretching exercises to stretch and loosen your muscles.
Nutrition and hydration: After your workout, eat a balanced meal with a combination of carbohydrates and proteins to repair and strengthen your muscles. Also, don't forget to drink enough water to replenish your fluid loss.
Recovery: Give your body time to recover and regenerate by getting enough sleep and being active.
CrossFit training at home: full flexibility
CrossFit at home offers you the flexibility and freedom to organize your training according to your own needs and schedule. All you need is a bit of equipment and enough space.
As you are training alone and don't have a trainer nearby, it is all the more important that you perform exercises with the right technique and intensity. This will help you avoid injury and achieve the best results in the long term.
Start slowly and gradually build up as you get stronger and fitter.