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Full Body Training – An Effective Way to Train Your Whole Body

Do you want to get fit but don't want to deal with a bunch of different training plans? Then full body training is perfect for you!

You don't just train one muscle group, but all of them in one session. Whether you are just starting out or already have a little experience, with whole body training you get the most out of your workout. And best of all, it saves you a lot of time.

Find out how to get started, which exercises are best and what to look out for.

What is full body training and why should I do it?

Woman training with a dumbbell

A full-body workout is exactly what it sounds like: you get to work out your entire body in a single session.

Instead of focusing on just one muscle group – such as your legs or your arms – you get to work all of the major muscle groups each time you work out. This makes it a particularly efficient way to train.

Why should you do a full-body workout?

Full-body training is extremely versatile and has many advantages, whether you are a fitness newbie or already have experience:

  • Time-saving: Since you train all major muscle groups in each session, you need fewer training days per week. Perfect if you have a busy lifestyle but still want to stay fit.

  • Calorie burn: By combining strength and endurance exercises, as well as using multiple muscle groups at the same time, you'll burn more calories in less time. This is great if you want to lose fat.

  • Balanced muscle growth: Instead of focusing on individual muscle groups on different days (and perhaps neglecting some), you work on everything at the same time, ensuring that your whole body gets strong and fit.

  • Versatility: You can customize your workout based on your level and goals. Whether you train only with your own body weight or add dumbbells and kettlebells, full-body workouts are easy to customize.

  • Ideal for beginners: Full-body workouts offer an easy way to get into fitness. You don't have to create a complicated training plan, but can train all the major muscle groups with a few basic exercises.

So if you want to get fit quickly, build muscle and don't have time to waste, a full body workout is the perfect way to start.

How do I best start full body training?

Athlete doing a plank

Full-body training is easy to implement if you know how to get started in a meaningful way. Here are a few specific tips to help you get started right away:

Start with 2-3 workouts per week

In the beginning, 2 to 3 sessions per week are enough. This gives you enough time to regenerate and protects you from overtraining. Each session should ideally last 30 to 45 minutes.

Example of a weekly schedule:

  • Monday: full body workout

  • Wednesday: full body workout

  • Friday: full body workout

You should take a break of at least one day between workouts to give your body the necessary recovery time.

Focus on the basic exercises

To train your entire body, it's best to focus on multi-joint exercises that work several muscle groups at the same time.

Here are some specific exercises you can incorporate into your workout:

  • Squats: 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Squats are a classic for legs and glutes. Keep your back straight, push your knees outwards and go as low as your mobility allows.

  • Push-ups: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. One of the most effective exercises for the chest, shoulders and arms. If normal push-ups are still too hard, you can also do them on your knees.

  • Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Perfect for legs, back and core. Make sure to keep your back straight and get the power from your legs to avoid injuries.

  • Planks: 3 sets of 30-60 seconds. The plank is great for your core. Keep your body in a straight line and make sure your pelvis doesn't sag.

  • Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg. Great for legs, glutes and balance. Take a big step forward, keep your core engaged, and push back up.

Progression: Improve continuously

If you find that the sets and reps are too easy for you, you can gradually increase the weight or the reps.

Here are some specific tips for progression:

  • Increase weight: Once you can do 3 sets of 12-15 reps cleanly, you can increase the weight by 2.5 to 5 kilograms.

  • Increase intensity: For example, add a few repetitions or reduce the rest periods between sets to 30-45 seconds to increase intensity.

Cooldown and recovery

Your workout doesn't end with the last set. You should take time to cool down, relax your muscles and promote recovery.

  • Mobility exercises: Take 5-10 minutes after each workout to stretch the muscle groups you've used. This improves your mobility and helps minimize muscle soreness.

  • Regular recovery: Give your body a chance to recover. On days off, you can incorporate light stretching or active recovery such as walks.

How can I use the SmartWOD apps to train my entire body?

SmartWOD Workout Generator

Don't want to always design your own workout? No problem, that's what the SmartWOD apps are for! They help you to design your workout easily and efficiently – whether you're at the gym, on vacation or training at home.

The SmartWOD Workout Generator app puts together suitable workouts for you based on your equipment – in AMRAP, EMOM, Tabata or For Time formats.

Whether you want to use dumbbells, kettlebells or just your own body, you'll get a full-body workout that's sure to challenge you.

The SmartWOD Timer app is perfect for all workouts where you train against the clock. Whether you're doing interval training or time-based exercises, the timer helps you stay on top of your workout and make it more effective.

You can use the sound signals and audio announcements to find out how much time you have left, and you can also track your laps – on your cell phone, tablet or Apple Watch.

Why a full-body workout is the perfect start

Full-body training is perfect for working out your entire body with little effort. It's efficient, saves time, and gives you quick results.

Whether you're a beginner or just want to bring more structure into your training, full-body training is the way to a fitter, stronger body.

And if you ever need a quick workout idea, the SmartWOD apps are always at your side!




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